Transition Services Taskforce
About the Taskforce
Founded in 2013, by five of the consortiums north county Workability I coordinators, the initial and continuing purpose of the Transition Services Taskforce is to promote collaboration among the following:
- San Diego Regional Center
- The Department of Rehabilitation
- Transition agencies and services
- School District staff (administrators, teachers, related services)
- Families (including students)
- Employers
The benefits of this collaboration are evidenced by increased stakeholder awareness of post-secondary options for transition aged youth, increased development of CIE placements and, when appropriate, early placement of students in supported employment opportunities.
Unifying stakeholders to best support the post-secondary transition of young adults with disabilities.
Through partnership and collaboration, providing outstanding post-secondary outcomes in the areas of education, employment and community integration for young adults with disabilities.
Taskforce Meetings
The taskforce meets quarterly to educate, and inform members and to discuss the implementation of practices that will improve post-secondary outcomes for transition age youth. To this end, the taskforce solicits attendee involvement in quarterly and annual projects.
Taskforce Meeting Dates
To be announced.
A link and meeting agenda will be sent to all members approximately one week prior to the meeting.
Focus Areas
The Transition Services Taskforce has identified four key areas where focused attention is required in order to improve post-secondary outcomes for transition age youth. The work of this taskforce is to identify key areas of need within these focus areas goals and to develop strategies to address those needs. Current strategies to address identified areas of need are listed below each heading.
If you would like more information, please call Karen Thompson at 760.290.2242.
TRANSPORTATION: improve regional transportation options for transition aged youth with disabilities, and advocate for the increased availability and frequency of pick up services for disabled individuals in outlying areas in their communities.
- Engage the North County Transportation Department for reinstating the mobility training program, once funded by a grant through Mental Health Services.
BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS: increase awareness and participation of business owners and managers in the practice of employing transition aged youth with disabilities.
- Compile information from agencies to create a business flyer that can be used to engage new businesses.
- Add at least 5 business partners to the Taskforce.
COMPETITIVE INTEGRATED EMPLOYMENT: advance the student, parent, and business understanding of the employment goal for all transition aged youth with disabilities as outlined in the Federal Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act.
- Develop a flyer that outlines the benefits and supports available to businesses that provide opportunities to transition aged youth.
- Develop a flyer that outlines for parents and students the types of employment support available to them once they leave high school.
STAKEHOLDER COLLABORATION : for all stakeholders, increase awareness and understanding of procedures and protocol for transitioning students into post-secondary agencies and programs and inform students, parents, and staff through educational opportunities including in-service presentations, speakers, and student/parent information events.
- Develop a protocol for inviting Regional Center Service Coordinators to IEP meetings.
- Conduct information nights throughout the region that focus on the needs of transition aged youth with disabilities.
Program Information Sheets
Click to open program information sheets (PDF)
Click to open list of north county San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) Service Providers (PDF)
Agency/Program Information
A Better Life Together, Inc.
Access Inc.
Access to Independence
Advanced Options
AVID Behavioral Day Program
Beacons, Inc.
Casa de Amparo
Cole Vocational Services – San Marcos
Community Catalysts
Community Interface Services
Creel Industries
Deaf Community Services of San Diego, Inc
Department of Rehabilitation(DOR) –North County Coastal and Inland
Easter Seals Southern CA
Goodwill Industries of San Diego
Interfaith Community Services- Transitional Youth Academy (WIOA)
Job Corps
Life of Liberty
MiraCosta College - Student Accessibility Services
MiraCosta College Continuing Education
MiraCosta College Technology Career Institute
Mountain Shadows Outreach Services
North County Lifeline – Housing and Transition
North County Transit District (LIFT Program)
Open Arms
Palomar College – Disability Resource Center
PRIDE Industries
People’s Care
Bliss Escondido
San Diego Regional Center
San Diego Workforce Partnership
State Council on Developmental Disabilities, San Diego Imperial Office
UCP (United Cerebral Palsy) North County Center
William’s Quest
Work Incentives Planning & Assistance
Xcite Steps Adult
Partnership Agreement
San Diego North County Coastal Partnership Agreement
The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), California Department of Education (CDE), and California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) have entered into an agreement consistent with the State’s “Employment First” policy and other laws to make employment in an integrated setting, at a competitive wage, for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) its highest priority.
The California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint is the combined effort of the CDE, DOR and DDS, in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders including Disability Rights of California (DRC), with leadership provided by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS). The purpose of the Blueprint is to increase opportunities for Californians with ID/DD to prepare for and participate in CIE.
To this end, Local Partnership Agreements were created at the local level to identify ways in which, local educational agencies, Department of Rehabilitation districts and regional centers will work together to streamline service delivery, engage their communities and increase competitive integrated employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Key Taskforce members served on the committee to create our Local Partnership, the San Diego North County Coastal Partnership Agreement, learn more at San Diego North County Coastal Local Partnership Agreement.
Let's Work! Documentary
The documentary is available on YouTube at
Watch the audio described (AD) version at